
Charlie Parker

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Charlie Parker

Lifetime news

Posted on: 30/08/2023
Charlie Parker

Charlie started at Lifetime back in 2017, not long after graduating from university in Sheffield.

“When I first joined the aim was to train and become qualified as a financial planner,” says Charlie. “Six years on I’m doing the job which I trained for, and seeing clients almost everyday, which is great.

“The best part about the role is building relationships with clients, and helping them to achieve their goals. It’s really rewarding knowing you’ve given someone the confidence to retire early, or to help them to protect their future, as well as a host of other things.

“I’m really passionate about being the best adviser I can be. I’m always trying to improve my knowledge where I can, and I try to keep up-to-date with all the latest news in the finance industry.”

Barnsley-born Charlie’s best Lifetime memory came when he and some of his colleagues took on the Invesco Perpetual Snowdon Challenge back in 2017.

“Challenge was the right word,” says Charlie. “It really was, so much so we didn’t get back to the camp site until 10pm!”

Charlie is also keen to point out the camaraderie to be found within Lifetime.

He says: “The family feel we have here is the best. I can have a good ‘chin-wag’ with anyone in the business, all the staff are really friendly.”

Charlie plays in a local pool team every Tuesday night, and for his sins(!) he’s a keen supporter of Barnsley Football Club. He also enjoys going for meals out, dog walking, and venturing to the cinema.

Charlie adopted his dog Mikey when he was nine years old.

“He’s my home office buddy,” laughs Charlie. “He often gets me in trouble when he starts barking during my meetings!”

Charlie loves a relaxing holiday in the sunshine and at the moment Tenerife is his favourite destination for a beach holiday, although he does say there’s ‘many places’ he’d like to try out.



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