
Tracey Lawton

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Tracey Lawton

Lifetime news

Posted on: 30/08/2023
Tracey Lawton name

Directors’ Secretary Tracey has spent over 24 years with Lifetime, having started out with CEO Ian.

Says Tracey: “Ian wanted help with paperwork, so initially there was just me and him. Now there is a few more people! The friendly atmosphere has always been a constant.”

What has also remained a constant is Tracey’s efforts in ‘doing the job to the best of my ability’.

And her favourite memory? “There’s too many, but overall it is seeing how the company has evolved from when I started.”

Tracey was born in Gibraltar but has lived in the village of Darfield since she got married to Kevin 32 years ago.

She is a keen mountain biker, and loves going places where she can enjoy that passion. Her favourite biking destinations are Verbier in Switzerland and Finale Ligure in Italy.

She has two girls, both grown up, and a Border Collie called Fin.


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