
The Lifetime Oscars….

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The Lifetime Oscars….

Lifetime news

Posted on: 03/03/2014

The 86th Academy Awards have just been held, with 12 Years a Slave taking the Oscar for Best Picture; Matthew McConaughey being named Best Actor; Cate Blanchett Best Actress; and Frozen landing the Best Animated Feature Oscar.

That got us thinking – and we duly came up with the Lifetime Oscars…..


Best Picture/Film/Video: The Lifetime Admin team (with special guests) delivering their Christmas Message! (httpswww.facebook.comphoto.phpv=552164398231620&set=vb.218158154965581&type=2&theater)

Best Actor in a Leading Role: MD Ian, for his cameo ‘dancing’ role in the above ‘film’!

Best Actress in a Leading Role: The Oscar is shared between all the Lifetime ladies who bravely (and wonderfully) delivered their ‘Black and White’ routine at the company Christmas party!

Best Animated Feature: There can only be only winner – the Lifetime Bucket – featuring Bill and Guido! (https://www.lifetime-fm.com/how-we-can-help/financial-planning/)

Best Director: MD Ian!

In Memory Award: That went to lovely Lifetime lady Anne, who retired from the company in the last week of February.

Best Costume Design: Nicola D, for her Christmas Pudding jumper!

Nicola D


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