
Lifetime committed to passive investment philosophy

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Lifetime committed to passive investment philosophy

Lifetime news

Posted on: 07/05/2014

We are wedded to the belief that a passive investment philosophy is the best way to help our clients achieve their investment goals.

Passive investing involves choosing assets that best suit the risk you need to take over a particular time scale and selecting a portfolio of index tracking funds that match your needs.

Here are some of the reasons why we use passive funds:

  • Passive funds do not have the high costs of Managed or Single Fund Managers.
  • Passive funds reinvest dividends back into the plan rather than sacrificing them in order to chase performance.
  • Passive funds do not incur unnecessary charges caused by switching.
  • We are not looking to buy the needle in the haystack (i.e. the fund which can outperform an Index), our philosophy is to buy the whole haystack.


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