
Let Flo help find answers to those important questions you keep asking yourself

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Let Flo help find answers to those important questions you keep asking yourself

Lifetime news

Posted on: 15/03/2020

People often seek financial advice because of a specific issue, such as a concern over a pension policy, but right at the heart of that need is one overriding thing: peace of mind.

It is an important goal and what cash flow financial modelling is all about.

Are these the sort of questions you keep asking yourself? If so, come and talk to us. Let #Flo be your guide. You will get answers.

  • Will I have enough?
  • When can I retire? / Can I afford to retire?
  • Could I work part-time?
  • Why should I be saving?
  • What would happen if a parent goes into a care home?
  • How do I pay my bills if I can’t work?
  • Will my partner and kids be okay if I became really ill?
  • Have I enough to do the things I want in the future?
  • I am anxious about money
  • Can I afford to start a new business?
  • Am I doing the right thing?
  • I want to know if I can have that ‘big holiday’ I’ve always dreamed of
  • Talking about my money scares me
  • Can I afford to take risks with my savings?
  • What size mortgage can I afford?
  • I want to be able to help my children with their future
  • I need advice but don’t know who I can trust


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