The admin team are often regarded as the quality oil that keeps the engine purring nicely here at Lifetime.
Hard-working, dedicated, talented, friendly, caring, professional, reliable. All wonderful words that are regularly used to describe our admin aces!
Everyone at Lifetime, ranging from the numerous Financial Planners, Communications and Pension Departments, the Mortgage section, right through to the directors, fully appreciate their day-to-day efforts.
And our customers clearly appreciate it too!
Our very own respected Financial Planner Daryl Clarke went to see Lifetime clients on Tuesday – and received some lovely feedback which he was only too pleased to share with the rest of us.
He duly sent out an email which read: “The clients asked me to let you all know that whenever they phone the office, the staff are extremely polite and most helpful, and they find this a refreshing change.”
Office Manager Karen Lodge responded: “It was so nice to receive positive feedback…and I couldn’t agree more!”
The testimonial certainly resulted in beaming smiles all round when it was revealed – and gave the admin members a warm glow!