
Financial wellbeing in the workplace can be achieved for the benefit of both employer and employee

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Financial wellbeing in the workplace can be achieved for the benefit of both employer and employee

Lifetime news

Posted on: 23/09/2021

When employees can’t focus on work due to the financial strain and worry they are under, it is not only they who suffer.

Employers pay the price too, particularly when it comes to their workforce’s wellbeing. If that wellbeing is low, or, God forbid, non-existent, then motivation, concentration and productivity drop.

Yet companies don’t have to struggle because their employees are currently buried in financial chaos. Organisations can help their workers clamber out of the rut they may unfortunately find themselves in.

By establishing a holistic financial wellbeing programme employers can actually flip the narrative. Change the story. Help their people write better ‘life chapters’.

Rather than assuming a worker’s financial situation is too hard to tackle – or not the problem of the company in the first place – an innovative wellbeing initiative can address the subject head on, with sympathy and understanding.

Financial wellbeing in the workplace can be achieved, for the benefit of both employer and employee. Click here to find out more.

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