
Financial Planner Colin a welcome guest with cheque for Bluebell Wood

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Financial Planner Colin a welcome guest with cheque for Bluebell Wood

Lifetime news

Posted on: 05/01/2015

Lifetime senior financial planner Colin Chadburn was a welcome guest to Sheffield’s Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice – as he delivered a cheque raised from our referral scheme.

Colin was delighted to hand over a cheque  for £402.05 to Bluebell Wood corporate fundraiser Joasia Lesniak.

Bluebell Wood cheque presentation with Col

Said Colin: “It was a pleasure to be invited to the hospice for the cheque presentation. They do fabulous work and it is great to be able to help in some way.”

Joasia said: “On behalf of Bluebell Wood, I would like to thank Colin so much for taking the time to pop in.

“We would also like to thank Lifetime for your fantastic support and for your very kind donation.”

“From all the children we help, thank you so much for choosing to support Bluebell Wood. We can’t wait to work with you next year!”

The foundation of our financial management business has always been the relationships we have had with our clients and Lifetime has been built upon their loyalty and the level of service we have been able to provide. We have grown and continue to do so through the recommendations and referrals we receive from them, this has helped us to remain profitable and so able to improve our services to all our clients.

We want to continue to develop this relationship and we also want to give you the opportunity to make a difference to your community.

If you are happy with the service you have received from Lifetime and know of family, friends or colleagues you feel could benefit from this service, then we have found a way that will also benefit your local community.

For all introduced clients to Lifetime, we will donate, on your behalf, 10% of any initial fees generated on new transactions completed with these clients, to your local hospice.




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