There is an in-person event coming up in a few months time that could well pique your interest, where there will be informative talks delivering plenty of food for thought!
Passionate about helping organisations create thriving, vibrant workplaces, a group of experts are coming together to focus on the important topic of wellbeing.
The Ways to Wellbeing event in September has been designed to demonstrate all the positive ways you can promote wellbeing at work, as well as being an excellent and informative training day for HR professionals and People Managers.
Located at Winstanley House just on the outskirts of Leicester city centre, the all day event will include refreshments, a midday meal and talks by engaging speakers.
The day promises to deliver a lively insight into how you can support employee wellbeing throughout your business and across all subject matters.
Keep an eye out for further details on how to purchase tickets!
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