
Don’t be down in the dumps on first working Monday of the year!

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Don’t be down in the dumps on first working Monday of the year!

Lifetime news

Posted on: 05/01/2015

Monday, January 5, 2015. Today. A date – according to research – that is rated the most depressing day of the entire year.

Polls suggest that the first Monday back at work after the Christmas and the New Year break is the ‘saddest on the calendar’.

The happiest days of the year are, apparently Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

They are followed by New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day.

The first working Monday in January is at the opposite end of the scale.

According to analysis, today we are complaining about: going back to work; a lack of sleep; an inability to stick to our New Year’s resolutions; and guilt for all that bad food and drink we consumed over the holidays.

So, did you come crashing down with a thud this morning?

But, in reality, should we be so down in the dumps just because the Christmas and New Year festivities are over and we go back to work? Should we not, instead, be looking forward to a possible enterprising and exciting 12 months ahead?

Here at Lifetime we are certainly not despondent. We are bright and breezy in appearance, and looking forward to breaking new ground, meeting new people, helping them live the life they want to live through our financial management process, and generally having a fantastic 2015.

We believe that happiness in the workplace leads to better, more fulfilling lives – and better productivity.

That’s why we just love this terrific TED talk that we came across from Shawn Achor: http://www.ted.com/talks/shawn_achor_the_happy_secret_to_better_work.html

So don’t worry, be happy!

As the late, great Apple guru Steve Jobs once said……




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