What is financial wellbeing? Well, according to Google, ‘it is about making the most of your money from day to day, dealing with the unexpected, and being on track for a healthy financial [...]
We have a new webinar on the way! We have teamed up with Mark Edmondson and Jo “Happiness” Howarth (she/her, anti-racist) to discuss how workplaces can have those tough conversations. [...]
Employees are looking for help. Inaction is not an option anymore. It is estimated that companies are losing 9-13% of what is spent on payroll, through poor productivity and absenteeism amongst [...]
Lifetime are thrilled to have been nominated for the 2023 Yorkshire Choice Awards. Celebrating notable achievement in the white rose county, the nominations for the awards represent the most [...]
Bank of England again raise interest rates while households continue to grapple with cost-of-living crisis
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Just as oil and gas giant Shell announce record profits, and UK households continue to struggle amid the harsh reality of a historic cost-of-living crisis, the Bank of England (BOE) has raised [...]