In this day and age of pension freedoms, you can easily get confused by all the numerous options and avenues open to you regarding your retirement. Planning when to retire and how to pay for it [...]
People often seek financial advice because of a specific concern, such as doubts over a pension policy, but right at the heart of that need is one overriding thing: peace of mind. You want to [...]
Worrying about money is not limited to those with debt. People worry about saving for a home, the cost of raising a family, funding relatives in care, where to invest their savings, losing their [...]
Making people feel comfortable enough to talk. It’s difficult. Especially when the subject matter is deeply personal. Over the last few years there has been huge progress when it comes to [...]
Covid-19 has impacted so many lives, on different levels, for different reasons. People have certainly changed the way they now interact with financial experts. The statistics that have emerged [...]
Providing access to guidance, education and someone to talk to is one of the first steps to helping your people
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In a poll by YouGov, more than a third of employed people admitted to missing out on a ‘good night’s sleep’ because of their money worries. That’s a statistic that [...]
What’s that old saying…….’you can’t see the wood for the trees’. What does it really mean? Well, the main definition is that if someone can’t see the [...]
Employers want staff who are fully committed, engaged and productive in their work (certainly during their working hours). That’s totally understandable. But that equilibrium can be [...]
The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on October 10th each year. The official theme for 2021 is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. Mental health problems can affect [...]
People often find it difficult to know where to start saving, how much you need to put away, and what that money will amount to in the future. The first thing you need to do is think about how [...]